“Talks” is a series featuring the Ruby Roundtable meetup and other videos that share new developments in the Ruby community.

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Ruby Roundtable Talks

Ruby Roundtable is the original community meetup for Rubyists in New York City.

Founded by Matthew Jording in 2008 and co-organized by Melissa Wahnish, the Ruby Roundtable meetup is unlike any other. While most meetups offer a traditional “presentation” or ”lecture” style format - a speaker talking to a passive audience – Ruby Roundtable is a unique interactive roundtable discussion focused on a community selected topic. Members include veteran Ruby developers, Jr devs, and those just starting out. The diverse and inclusive nature of the Ruby Roundtable meetup creates an original platform for debate and discussion while embracing the core values of the global Ruby community.

Want to stay on top of the latest gems, tutorials and current developments in the Ruby community? Sign up below for free!

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Located in or around NYC?
Click here to check out the next meetup!

Melissa Wahnish
Founder / RubyThursday

“What’s RubyThursday? It’s a free weekly (on Thursdays, get it? :) online show that gives you bite sized tutorials, tips and tricks and reviews for the latest tools, gems and sites to help you grow as a Rails developer.

Sign up below to start receiving my free weekly show. As a bonus I’ll send you a free mini-course and cheat sheet on how to start a new Rails app!”